4 Money Saving Tips for Buying Textbooks


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I get it. You’re already paying out of your nose for your college education, and then they throw at you the cost of buying textbooks. It’s pretty ridiculous considering the average student spends $1,200 a year on textbooks.

College Books
Apparently worth more by weight than gold

I know my University likes to guilt us by saying “support your college bookstore!” but let’s be honest–if your tuition isn’t supporting them enough then they need to spend their money better. Don’t be the average student statistic: here’s how you can save money.

1 Don’t buy the textbooks

I know what you’re thinking:

College Books

But that’s just what they want you to think. Last semester I didn’t buy a single textbook and I still made Deans List. The reason for this is that textbooks are totally a racket for the University, especially for your gen-eds. They figure if everyone is taking something like English, they can con 100% of their student body into buying textbooks from them by requiring the textbooks for the class. Half the time, your teacher won’t even use the book.

If you have a class next semester, ask around, go on RateMyProfessors–don’t bother spending a dime on a textbook unless you absolutely need it.

2 Do some questionably ethical stuff

I’d never recommend that you break the law by violating the copyrights of a small mom and pop company like the behemoths that make and publish your textbooks. You don’t pirate music, so why would you pirate textbooks?

Illegal Meme

What I’m saying is you wouldn’t download a car, so you certainly wouldn’t download a textbook. Especially one you haven’t paid for. That would be wrong.

3 Avoid the bookstore like it’s the plague

There are a ton of websites where you can buy textbooks for much cheaper than your school sells them. Even Amazon is a step up. Check craigslist. My school has a free and for sale page on facebook where everyone goes to unload textbooks.

Try used bookstores in your city. It’s worth a shot. Just give them a call. If they don’t have it, you’ve wasted 5 minutes of your life–if they do, you’ve saved bundles.

4 *Sigh*

If you’ve made it this far I guess you’re going to the school bookstore. Please buy used. Please?

Seriously, if none of these things work for you, and you have to go to the bookstore, I’d honestly consider dropping that class. If the textbook is so obscure that Amazon doesn’t even have it, will your major even make you any money?

Food for thought.

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Zy is a student at the University of Arizona studying Economics. He hopes to use his degree to become wealthy beyond measure some day, or at least pay off his student loans, which is almost the same thing when you think about it. He loves literature, politics, and psychological studies, and frequently talks about all three at dinner. He's a lot of fun at parties. Follow him on twitter or Google+

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