5 Cheap & Easy Meals for the Broke College Student


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I never understood all the fuss surrounding the freshman fifteen. Sure, you might gain a few pounds your first year at college, but that’s to be expected. It’s not like you’re going to have a meal plan forever, so you might as well take advantage while you can. As a matter of fact, those pounds will most likely start to shed as soon as you’re on your own, if my experience is any indication, so in order to maintain a healthy weight, here’s 5 cheap and easy meals for the broke college student.

1. Ramen Noodles w/ Egg

Ramen Noodles w Egg

Ramen noodles are the fifteen cent savior of college kids across the world. With their unbeatable price and simple preparation, they simply can’t be beat. Their one major drawback though, is the lack of nutrition and any meaningful sustenance. This is where the egg comes in.

2. Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich

Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich

The classic PB&J might be a bit high school-chic for the average college student, but the truth is, it can’t be beat when it comes to lunches in between classes. Throw one of these in a plastic bag before class and you won’t have to worry about your stomach rumbling too loud ever again.

3. Chicken Quesadilla

Chicken Quesadilla

Somewhat of a less heralded superfood, the quesadilla can be whatever you want it to be. Need a 5 minute snack and all you have is tortillas and cheese? You’re good to go! Need a substantial meal with both meat and vegetables? Add in some chicken and peppers!

4. Mac N’ Cheese w/ Hotdog

Mac N' Cheese w/ Hotdog

Chances are most full grown adults probably haven’t had Mac N’ Cheese w/ Hotdogs since they were 10 years old. Chances are most full grown adults are totally missing out. When all it takes is a two dollar box of Kraft and a single Oscar Meyer wiener, this is a meal for ALL ages, especially those between 18 and 22.

5. McDonalds


Because even though you might not want to, a burger is still 88 cents.

So next time you’re in a pinch, try to remember these five convenient meals, and when you inevitably get sick of eating them day after day, just remember why you put on those extra fifteen pounds in the first place.

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Tommy aka Clever Tom is an English major at the University of Oregon who runs a hip-hop blog/net label called "Internet Hippy" in his free time. He hopes to expand the brand to further include an online forum and clothing brand in the near future. You can follow Tom on Twitter, Tumblr, and Soundcloud.

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