5 Ways to Stay Fit Your Freshman Year


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Freshman 15

You’ve been warned of this phenomenon: in between the less-than-five-star dorm food and midnight stress eating, college students are acutely susceptible to the infamous Freshman 15.

In other words, you’re going to get fat.

Now, before you switch your full-ride scholarship to college for a gym membership, know that there are many ways that you can not only prevent weight gain but actually achieve the best shape of your life.

1. Make exercise a To-Do

You have a schedule for class and a schedule for work, so it makes sense to build a schedule for when you work out. Fill out a planner or calendar of class times, meetings, etc. and find a block of time, every day, which you can fit in at least an hour workout. If you can’t squeeze in an hour, try looking for two thirty minute sessions.

2. Develop a routine

Hit up your local gym- your campus may even include a gym membership as part of your tuition! Although abs can be done every day, make sure you alternate between lower body exercises (guys, DON’T skip leg day!) and working out your arms the next day. Get in one long cardio session per week to burn those calories and condition aerobically.

3. Change it up

Your body adapts very quickly to set workouts, so change up your routine every two weeks or so. Vary the movements at the gym, or try something totally new like hot yoga instead of your usual run. New training will help keep you focused and fight mental fatigue.

4. Watch what you eat

To truly achieve optimal health, you can’t binge on junk food all the time. Fill up your grocery list with plenty of fruits and vegetables as well as foods high in protein. If you are lifting heavy, you should be eating 1-1.5 times your weight in grams of protein. This means if you weigh 150 pounds, your daily protein intake ought to be between 150-225 grams.

5. Make it fun!

Too many people have great New Year’s resolutions but quickly become burned out. The trick is to make exercise something you love. Create motivational playlists, work out with a friend, or find a group class you can join. It may be tempting to skip a day to binge on Netflix and relax, but I guarantee when you’re rocking those killer abs by Christmas, it will have all been worth it.

There you have it. What are your tips to keeping fit your freshman year?

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Eva Vigh is a student at Texas A&M University pursuing a B.S. in Agricultural Communications and Journalism. She plans on landing a career in journalism or public relations in Dallas or wherever life takes her. She is very passionate about writing, the outdoors, fitness and adventuring. Follow her on Google+

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