Four Ways To Fly Better


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When it comes to flying, most of us take a bit of a grumpy attitude towards the whole endeavor. Rather than appreciate the technological majesty that allows us to travel through countries in a matter of hours rather than weeks, we see it more as a drag we go through to get where we want to be.

I get it. Flying cross-country isn’t as awesome as we’d hope but it still beats walking. With that in mind, though, here are four tips to make your flight that much more enjoyable.

1. Exercise First

You’re going to be sitting around and waiting quite a lot. From waiting in the airport, waiting for take-off, waiting in your seat, waiting for your luggage, a lot of time is going to be spent sitting and stationary, which is why you should exercise before your flight, time permitting.

This isn’t a “for your health” screed or pitch. You’re just going to be happier.

Your endorphins are going to feel better. Sitting is going to be easier if you haven’t been sitting. Half an hour on the treadmill, some crunches and push-ups, and you’re more likely to escape the cranky doldrums of a plane ride. Plus, it changes the structure of your day. You didn’t just spend all day traveling and waiting to travel; you worked out, too. You just owned your trip. You took control of your day.

Give it a shot. Worst case scenario, you just did some exercise. Best case scenario, you also improve your flight.

2. Look Out The Window And Marvel At The Sheer Majesty Of Flight.

That’ll kill a few minutes.

3. Fly Virgin

This is not an ad, but it’s something I’ve noticed enough to share here.

Virgin is the best airline, and it’s not close.

I have had my fair share of flights, and I have never had a bad flight on Virgin. The food is weirdly good for airplane food, the flights are always on time, and you get personalized televisions. I am always pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoy my flights on Virgin, and since flying can be a drag so often, it’s really great to have something you enjoy.

Speaking of which…

4. Treat Yo Self!

I thought you’d like this one.

Look; flying is a drag. It’s waiting, stress, and the chance that your mediocre trip will get worse and worse (delays, turbulence, whatever.)

So; treat yourself.

You’ve already spent a good chunk of change on the flight; spend the extra ten bucks and rent a movie you’ve been meaning to see for your iTunes account (uCribs does not condone internet piracy.) Bring snacks for the flight and the airport. Good snacks. Lots of snacks. Treat-snacks that you savor over the nine-dollar McDonalds in the airport.

Have a beer on the flight. Listen to some Kanye West.

Do whatever it is you’re going to enjoy most on the flight. Might as well, right?

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Lev Novak is a recent graduate of Tufts University. He has currently shopping his first novel, and has previously written for College Humor and Hack College.

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