Reasons To Love America


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*Because even when we fail, we fail to the ideals and purpose that America, at its greatest, was meant to fulfill. We recognize our problems as ~opposed~ to the American ideal, not an inevitable result of them. As such, even when our country is flawed, our ability to recognize those flaws as a nation reminds us of our greater potential.

*In N Out. We have that.

*America should basically be a whole series of countries. Texas is different from Massachusetts is different from Florida is different from Michigan is different from California. All have different vibes, people and experiences, but despite this wide range, we choose to exist and live together as a broader country. That’s cool

*Kanye West, Tina Fey, Neil Degrasse Tyson, Aziz Ansari, Vera Wang, Anderson Cooper, Tao Lin and Phillip Roth are all exceptional contemporary American talents from various walks of life. America, at its best, promotes genius from all quarters and all styles. None of the above are similar, by any stretch, but all of them are deeply influential in our country and beyond.


*While the idea of traveling is fantastic, and we should all seek to broaden our horizons, here are some cities in America worth seeing: Nashville, Austin, Los Angeles, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, Atlanta, St.Louis, New York, Philadelphia and Denver. Each of those cities are huge, with their own neighborhoods, histories, famous classic spots and activities and sports teams and more. Each is a world onto themselves, and as an American, you have a birthright to all of them. There’s more in America than any American could hope to experience, but the beauty is in the effort and the expertise gained over time here.

*We have really good craft beer and really good television. They may be small pleasures, but boy are they good. And, as far as things worth enjoying, they’re definitely up there. It’s nice to lead like that.

*Because my great-grandparents had to flee persecution in Eastern Europe and while American wasn’t a perfect place per se, it was and is so much better then, say, Poland, that it’s worth taking a moment to remember that.

*If anything goes truly wrong as a country, know that, push comes to shove, Samuel L. Jackson is a citizen and can bail us out. The dude handled Snakes On A Plane, okay? I think we’re good.

*Fireworks are cool, and patriotism is fun.

*We’re the country that invented Netflix for binge-watching and the hamburger between two donuts. When it comes to developing “I love this/hate myself,” America is a global superpower.

*I haven’t mentioned Seattle once in this article, because I forgot that. Other countries would die for a city as cool as Seattle. Algeria would go nuts for it. We just have Seattle laying around like, hey, cool city.

*Ben and Jerry’s. Haagen Daaz is for traitors.

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Lev Novak is a recent graduate of Tufts University. He has currently shopping his first novel, and has previously written for College Humor and Hack College.

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