uCribs Student Housing Rental Reports


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At uCribs, we have one of the largest databases of housing data surrounding college campuses throughout the country. For the past number of months, we tracked this data to see how rents are changing month by month at almost every university.

uCribs Student Housing Rental Trends

Starting in May, we will publish monthly market reports on 68 universities. We picked these universities based on a few factors: Enrollment size, availability of housing surrounding the university, and popularity. In general, we avoided most universities in major metro areas like San Francisco and New York to focus on the other rental markets throughout the country.

There are dozens of ways to ‘show the data,’ and we went back and forth on different variations. After much debate,  we decided to compare month over month rents by unit type at each university. In order to keep each report manageable,  we will break down the reports by geographic region rather than having one large report. Here are the university markets we will cover initially, broken down by geographic region:

Northeast & Mid-Atlantic:





If you have any questions or comments on our market reports, send us a note and we will get right back to you.

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Colin Kish is Vice President of Strategic Partnerships at uCribs

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