What To Watch


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Apartment living has a lot to do with the actual apartment you live in, which is why uCribs has such a great selection of apartments for your lifestyle and price-range. But, sometimes, you live inside your laptop.

That’s okay! Before the laptop, people lived inside their televisions. Or their newspapers. Or their radios, or, frankly, their whiskey bottles. Since there has been a society, there have been important fun distractions and alternatives to physical space. Mental space is like zen, and even though its physically smaller (your brain is physically smaller than even a Manhattan apartment) it can be just as important.

And we outsource our brain to the internet. Or Netflix.

This is fine, and it’s fun. I’m not here to throw aspersions. I’m here to throw advice. Because no matter how crummy your apartment, a good Netflix binge can take you anywhere.

1. Good Is Relative

Some people like classic horror movies. Some people like ScFy original movies about two-headed sharks. Some prefer easy romantic comedies, or still others would rather watch college basketball.

You are not obligated to like every genre.

It’s easy, of course, to get swept up in the mood of the people. Everyone loves Breaking Bad; why don’t you? Are you some sort of monster?

Don’t let peer pressure stress you out. If a genre isn’t for you, simply acknowledge it rather than lie about how you’ll “totally get around to it” admit to yourself and others that, no, you’d rather watch Law and Order: SVU when you’re on the treadmill. It’s easy, fun, and you don’t have to worry about every sentence and dramatic pause.

There’s no wrong way to enjoy yourself, so don’t stress out about what other people consider good.

2. Find What You Need

Do you have a lot of free time? An in-depth show, watched slowly, is really going to keep your mind busy. If you’ve never seen Lost, I recommend it. One episode a week (okay, two or three, but really: keep it slow) will give you months of awesome speculation.

Nervous and anxious? In-depth shows aren’t for you. Binge-watching silly, basic but engaging comedies might be the way to go. Arrested Development is good, but animated shows might be better here; not better in general, but better in the moment.

On a date with somebody who has weird taste? Put on what they like. I know you want them to love Parks and Rec but focus on what they like and see what you can learn about it from them, and what it says about them as well. An ex introduced me to Mad Men and Korean soap-operas, and I’m glad I saw both, even if I only kept up with one after the fact.

3. Actual Recommendations

Rick and Morty is an awesome animated comedy; hectic, fun, and impressive without trying to impress you. It’s a little edgy, but not too bad.

Anything on SyFy is amazing and mesmerizing. Try it.

Read uCribs articles forever and ever.

Season four of your favorite show is the best to catch in re-runs. You have the first few seasons memorized, but season four is always pretty good.

Watch an episode of Girls. Love it or hate it, you’ll have material to talk about for weeks.

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Lev Novak is a recent graduate of Tufts University. He has currently shopping his first novel, and has previously written for College Humor and Hack College.

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