If you've spent any significant amount of time living in a dorm room or in an off-campus apartment, chances are you've had to deal with a terrible roommate Even if you've somehow...
When you move in with roommates, chance are you both have your own definitions of clean or what chores are necessary around the house In order to keep the peace and a clean and fresh...
The Sam Hughes neighborhood is one of the most desirable areas to live in Tucson Centrally located and just minutes from the University of Arizona and Downtown, Sam Hughes meets all three...
When someone purchases a home, homeowners insurance is required to protect against natural events or theft Living in an apartment is a little different than owning your home Your...
Situated in Tucson, the second-largest city in Arizona, the University of Arizona is considered an urban setting Tucson is a great place to live, work, and play It's the authentic...

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