No matter how many chocolate-covered strawberries you have stocked up on, there’s nothing that can convey how horrible breakups are around Valentine’s Day Whether you’re a lover of...
If you had to guess, how much time would you say you waste online No, we’re not talking about Internet usage directly related to your coursework or extracurricular activities – we’re...
between maintaining a school-life balance and committing to other responsibilities outside of your education, it can be very difficult to stay focused in college Consider the amount of time...
As a savvy college student, you already know the basics of cutting financial corners – like buying used textbooks, preparing your own meals, and living off-campus in a more affordable...
“Music is my life”—at least that’s what we’ve all heard a close friend or family member say to us at some point  There is a degree of truth to it, though, since there’s just...

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